Brian Mailloux

Brian Mailloux

Professor in Environmental Science and Co-Chair, Environmental Science Department


Environmental Science


528 W 120th, 7th fl
Room 736


Brian Mailloux joined the faculty of Barnard College in January 2006 and received tenure in 2014.

podcasts: journal article podcasts 
Weather station at MSC PS333

  • BA, Johns Hopkins University
  • MS, University of Minnesota
  • PhD, Princeton University

  • Environmental science
  • Groundwater
  • Arsenic
  • Geomicrobiology

  • EESC BC3043, Water, Sanitation, and Health
  • EESC BC3200, Ecotoxicology
  • EESC BC3016, Environmental Measurements
  • EESC BC3050, Python for Environmental Analysis and Visualisation
  • EESC BC3800, 3801, Senior Thesis Seminar
  • EESC BC3999, Independent Study

  • Geological Society of America (Campus Representative, 2008 - present)
  • American Geophysical Union
  • American Chemical Society
  • American Society for Microbiology

  • Invited Speaker NIH-Ecology of Infectious Disease Annual Meeting. March, 2009, Park City, Utah.
  • Invited Speaker, Sloan Deep Carbon Workshop at Carnegie Geophysical Institute of Washington. 2008
  • Invited Speaker at the EPA Symposium on Groundwater-Borne Infectious Disease, Etiologic Agents, and Inicators, December 2-4, 2008, Washington, DC.
  • Invited Speaker, GSA 2005, Quantifying Controls on Microbial Reaction Rates in Subsurface Environments

Ferguson, A. S., Mailloux, B. J., Ahmed, K. M., Geen, A. v., and Culligan, P. J., Submitted. Tubewell hand pumps; capacitors for diarrheal disease. J. Water and Health. Accepted

Wovkulich, K., Stute, M., T. J. Protus Sr., Mailloux, B. J., and Chillrud, S. N., Submitted. Injection System for Multi-Well Injection Using a Single Pump. Ground Water Monit. Remediat. 31(1) 79-85

Knappett, P. S. K., Escamilla, V., Layton, A., McKay, L. D., Emch, M., Williams, D. E., Huq, M. R., Alam, M. J., Farhana, L., Mailloux, B. J., Ferguson, A. S., Sayler, G. S., Ahmed, K. M., and Geen, A. v., Submitted. Impact of Population and Latrines on Fecal Contamination of Ponds in Rural Bangladesh. Science of the Total Environment. Accepted

Kenna, T. C., Nitsche, F. O., Herron, M. M., Mailloux, B. J., Peteet, D., Sritrairat, S., Sands, E., and Baumgarten, J., 2010. Evaluation and calibration of a field portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for quantitative analysis of siliciclastic soils and sediments. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry DOI: 10.1039/C0JA00133C

van Geen, A., K. M. Ahmed, Y. Akita, M. J. Alam, P. J. Culligan, M. Emch, V. Escamilla, J. Feighery, A. S. Ferguson, P. Knappett, A. C. Layton, B. J. Mailloux, L. D. McKay, J. L. Mey, M. L. Serre, P. K. Streatfield, J. Wu, and M. Yunus. 2011. Fecal Contamination of Shallow Tubewells in Bangladesh Inversely Related to Arsenic. Environmental Science & Technology 45:1199-1205 DOI: 1110.1021/es103192b.

Wovkulich, K., Mailloux, B. J., Lacko, A., Keimowitz, A. R., Stute, M., Simpson, H. J., and Chillrud, S. N., 2011, Chemical treatments for mobilizing arsenic from contaminated aquifer solids to accelerate remediation. Appl. Geochem. 25, 1500-1509.

Knappett, P. S. K., A. Layton, L. D. McKay, D. Williams, B. J. Mailloux, M. R. Huq, M. J. Alam, K. M. Ahmed, Y. Akita, M. L. Serre, G. S. Sayler, and A. van Geen. 2011. Efficacy of Hollow-Fiber Ultrafiltration for Microbial Sampling in Groundwater. Ground Water 49:53-65 DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2010.00712.x.

Leber, J., M. M. Rahman, K. M. Ahmed, B. Mailloux, and A. van Geen. 2011. Contrasting Influence of Geology on E. coli and Arsenic in Aquifers of Bangladesh. Ground Water 49:111-123 DOI: 110.1111/j.1745-6584.2010.00689.x.

Datta, S., Mailloux, B., Jung, H.B., Hoque, M.A., Stute, M., Ahmed, K.M., and Zheng, Y. (2009) Redox trapping of arsenic during groundwater discharge in sediments from the Meghna riverbank in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106: 16930-16935.

Mailloux, B. J., Alexandrova, E., Keimowitz, A., Wovkulich, K., Freyer, G., Herron, M. M., Stolz, J. F., Kenna, T., Pichler, T., Dong, H., and Pollizzotto, M. L. (2009). Microbial Mineral Weathering for Nutrient Acquisition Releases Arsenic. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75(8): 2558-2565.

Radloff, K. A., Manning, A. R., Mailloux, B., Zheng, Y., Moshiur Rahman, M., Rezaul Huq, M., Ahmed, K. M., and Geen, A. v., 2008. Considerations for conducting incubations to study the mechanisms of As release in reducing groundwater aquifers. Applied Geochemistry 23, 3224-3235.

van Geen, A., Zheng, Y., Goodbred, S., Horneman, A., Aziz, Z., Cheng, Z., Stute, M., Mailloux, B., Weinman, B., Hoque, M. A., Seddique, A. A., Hossain, M. S., Chowdhury, S. H., and Ahmed, K. M., 2008. Flushing History as a Hydrogeological Control on the Regional Distribution of Arsenic in Shallow Groundwater of the Bengal Basin. Environmental Science and Technology 42, 2283-2288.

Horneman, A., Stute, M., Schlosser, P., Smethie, W. M. J., Santella, N., Ho, D. T., Mailloux, B., Gorman, E., Zheng, Y., and van Geen, A., 2007. Degradation of CFC-11, CFC-12, and CFC-113 in anoxic shallow aquifers of Araihazer, Bangladesh. J. Contam. Hydrol. 97(1-2): 27-41.

Keimowitz, A. R., Mailloux, B. J., Cole, P., Stute, M., Simpson, H. J., and Chillrud, S. N., 2007. Laboratory Investigations of Enhanced Sulfate Reduction as a Groundwater Arsenic Remediation Strategy. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 6718 -6724, 10.1021/es061957q

Radloff K. A., Cheng Z., Rahman M. W., Ahmed K. M., Mailloux B. J., Juhl A. R., Schlosser P., and vanGeen A., 2007. Mobilization of Arsenic During One-Year Incubations of Grey Aquifer Sands from Araihazar, Bangladesh. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41(10), 3639-3645.

Mailloux B. J., Devlin S., Fuller M. E., Onstott T. C., DeFlaun M. F., Choi K.-H., Green-Blum M., Swift D. J. P., McCarthy J., and Dong H., 2007. The limited role of aquifer heterogeneity on metal reduction in an Atlantic coastal plain determined by push-pull tests. Applied Geochemistry 22(5), 974-995.

van Geen, A., Zheng, Y., Cheng, Z., Aziz, Z., Horneman, A., Dhar, R. K., Mailloux, B., Stute, M., Weinman, B., Goodbred, S., Seddique, A. A., Hoque, M. A., and Ahmed, K. M., 2006. A transect of groundwater and sediment properties in Araihazar, Bangladesh: Further evidence of decoupling between As and Fe mobilization. Chemical Geology 228, 85-96.

Keimowitz A. R., Zheng Y., Chillrud S. N., Mailloux B., Jung H. B., Stute M., and Simpson H. J., 2005. Arsenic Redistribution between Sediments and Water near a Highly Contaminated Source. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39(22), 8606-8613.

Hall J. A., Mailloux B. J., Onstott T. C., Scheibe T. D., Fuller M. E., Dong H., and DeFlaun M. F. (2005) Physical versus chemical effects on bacterial transport as determined from in situ sediment column pulse experiments. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 76(3-4), 295-314

Fuller M. E., Mailloux B. J., Streger S. H., Hall J. A., Zhang P., Kovacik W. P., Vainberg S., Johnson W. P., Onstott T. C., and DeFlaun M. F. (2004) Application of a Vital Fluorescent Staining Method for Simultaneous, Near-Real-Time Concentration Monitoring of Two Bacterial Strains in an Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifer in Oyster, Virginia. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 70(3), 1680-1687.

Person, M., C. Neuzil, P. Hsieh, B. J. Mailloux, P., E. Bekele, and J. Swenson. RIFT2D: A finite element model for simulating two-dimensional fluid, heat, and solute mass transport in evolving sedimentary basins. Water Resources Investigation US Geological Survey, Reston, VA., In Press

Mailloux, B.J., M.E. Fuller, T.C. Onstott, J. Hall, H. Dong, A.J. Beavis, M.F. DeFlaun, S.H. Streger, R.K. Rothmel, M. Green, D.J.P. Swift, J. Radke, S.S. Hubbard, and J. Chen, 2003. The role of physical, chemical, and microbial heterogeneity on the field-scale transport and attachment of bacteria, Water Resources Research, 39(6) 1142,doi:10.1029/2002WR001591.

Mailloux, B.J., M.E. Fuller, G.F. Rose, T.C. Onstott, M.F. DeFlaun, E. Alvarez, C. Hemingway, R.B. Hallet, T.J. Phelps, and T. Griffin, 2003. Design of a modular injector, multi-level sampler, and sampling manifold for groundwater tracer experiments, Ground Water, 41(6), 816-827.

Mailloux, B.J., and M.E. Fuller, 2003. Determination of In Situ Bacterial Growth Rates in Aquifers and Aquifer Sediments, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69(7), 3798-3808.

Mailloux, B. J., M. Person, S. Kelley, N. Dunbar, S. Cather, L. Strayer, and P. Hudleston. 1999. Tectonic controls on the hydrogeology of the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico. Water Resources Research 35:2641-2659.

Dong, H.L., T.C. Onstott, M.F. Deflaun, M.E. Fuller, T.D. Scheibe, S.H. Streger, R.K. Rothmel, and B.J. Mailloux, 2002 Relative dominance of physical versus chemical effects on the transport of adhesion-deficient bacteria in intact cores from South Oyster, Virginia, Environmental Science & Technology36 (5), 891-900, 2002.

Dong, H.L., T.C. Onstott, C.H. Ko, A.D. Hollingsworth, D.G. Brown, and B.J. Mailloux, 2002. Theoretical prediction of collision efficiency between adhesion-deficient bacteria and sediment grain surface, Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces24 (3-4), 229-245.

Balkwill, D., J. Chen, M. DeFlaun, F. Dobbs, H. Dong, J. Fredrickson, M. Fuller, M. Green, T. Ginn, T. Griffin, W. Holben, S. Hubbard, W. Johnson, P. E. Long, B. Mailloux, E. Majer, M. J. McInerney, C. Murray, T. Onstott, T. J. Phelps, T. Scheibe, D. Swift, D. White, and F. Wobber. 2001. Breakthroughs in field-scale bacterial transport. EOS Transactions 82:417,423-425.

DeFlaun, M., M. Fuller, P. Zhang, W. Johnson, B. Mailloux, W. Holben, W. Kovacik, D. Balkwill, and T. Onstott. 2001. Comparison of methods for monitoring bacterial transport in the subsurface. Journal of Microbiological Methods 47:219-231.

Fuller, M. E., B. Mailloux, P. Zhang, J. A. Hall, S. Vainberg, W. Johnson, T. C. Onstott, and M. F. DeFlaun. 2001. Field-scale evaluation of CFDA/SE-staining coupled with multiple detection methods for assessing the transport of bacteria in situ. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 37:55-66.

Hubbard, S. S., J. Chen, J. Peterson, E. Majer, K. Williams, D. J. Swift, B. Mailloux, and Y. Rubin. 2001. Hydrogeological characterization of the South Oyster Bacterial transport Site using Geophysical Data. Water Resources Research 37:2431-2456.

Johnson, W. P., P. Zhang, M. E. Fuller, T. D. Scheibe, B. J. Mailloux, T. C. Onstott, M. F. DeFlaun, S. S. Hubbard, J. Radtke, W. P. Kovacik, and W. Holben. 2001. Ferrographic tracking of bacterial transport in the field at the narrow channel focus area, Oyster, VA. Environmental Science and Technology 35:182-191.

Zhang, P., W. P. Johnson, T. D. Scheibe, K.-H. Choi, F. C. Dobbs, and B. J. Mailloux. 2001. Extended tailing of bacteria following breakthrough at the Narrow Channel focus area, Oyster, Virginia. Water Resources Research 37:2687-2698.

Fuller, M., H. Dong, B. Mailloux, T. Onstott, and M. DeFlaun. 2000. Examining bacterial transport in intact cores from Oyster, Virginia: Effect of facies type on bacterial breakthrough and retention. Water Resources Research 36:2417-2431.

Fuller, M., S. Streger, R. Rothmel, B. Mailloux, T. Onstott, J. Fredrickson, D. Balkwill, and M. DeFlaun. 2000. Development of a vital fluorescent staining method for monitoring bacterial transport in subsurface environments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66:4486-4496.

Mailloux, B. J. and Radloff, K. A., 2010. Using a Cast Iron Hand-Pump to Teach Students About Water Resources and Resource Allocation AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

van Geen, A., Ahmed, K. M., Akita, Y., Alam, M. J., Culligan, P., Feighery5, J., Ferguson, A. S., Emch, M., Escamilla, V., Knappett, P., Layton, A., Mailloux, B., McKay, L. D., Mey, J. L., Serre, M. L., Streatfield, P. K., Wu, J., and Yunus, M., 2010. Could arsenic mitigation lead to increased diarrheal disease in Bangladesh. AGU Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

Knappett, P. S. K., Escamilla, V., Layton, A., McKay, L. D., Emch, M., Mailloux, B., Williams, D. E., Huq, M. R., Alam, M. J., Farhana, L., Ferguson, A. S., Sayler, G. S., Ahmed, K. M., Serre, M. L., Akita, Y., Yunus, M., and van Geen, A., 2010. Factors Influencing Fecal Contamination in Pond of BangladeshAGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

Mailloux, B. J., Wagner, P., Foster, R., Stolz, J. F., Scholz, M., Wovkulich, K., and Freyer, G. A., 2009. Worldwide Diversity and Occurrence of Arsenite Transporter acr3(2) Suggests an Important and Overlooked Pathway. AGU Fall Meeting Fall Meeting Supplement B23E-0413.

Sonnenthal, E. L., Elsworth, D., Lowell, R. P., Maher, K., Mailloux, B. J., Uzunlar, N., Freifeld, B. M., Keimowitz, A. R., and Wang, J. S., 2009. Scientific Basis for a Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical-Biological Experimental Facility at DUSEL Homestake. 2009 Fall Meeting Suppl., Abstract H23E-0996.

Knappett, P. S., McKay, L. D., Layton, A., Alam, M., Williams, D., Huq, M. R., Mailloux, B. J., Ferguson, A., Feighery, J. E., Culligan, P. J., Escamilla, V., Emch, M., Akita, Y., Serre, M. L., Perfect, E., Gentry, R. W., Ahmed, K. M., and van Geen, A., 2009. Transport of fecal-derived microorganisms from latrine ponds to aquifers in Bangladesh. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl., Abstract H42B-01.

Wagner, P. J., Mailloux, B. J., Foster, R., Stolz, J. F., Scholz, M., Wovkulich, K., and Freyer, G., 2009. Worldwide Diversity and Occurrence of Arsenite Transporter acr3(2) Suggests An Important and Overlooked Pathway. ASM General Meeting.

FEIGHERY, J., Mailloux, B. J., Ferguson, A., Culligan, P., van Geen, A., Akita, Y., Serre, M., Emch, M., Escamill, V., Alam, M. J., and Ahmed, K. M., 2009. TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION IN SHALLOW DRINKING WATER WELLS IN BANGLADESH Center for Biodiversity and Conservation's Fourteenth Annual Spring Symposium, AMNH.

Alexandrova, E., Mailloux, B. J., Keimowitz, A., Wovkulich, K., Freyer, G., Stolz, J. F., Kenna, T. C., Polizzotto, M., Pichler, T., and van Geen, A., 2008. Microbial Mineral Weathering for Nutrient Acquisition Releases Arsenic. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 6, p. 415.

Dhar, R. K., Zheng, Y., Zheng, Y., Saltikov, C. W., Radloff, K. A., Mailloux, B., and van Geen, A., 2008. Microbes Enhanced Mobility of Arsenic, without Iron Reduction in Deep Bangladesh Aquifer. Eos Trans. AGU, 89, Fall Meet. Suppl Abstract H41E-0915.

Keimowitz, A. R., Chillrud, S. N., Ross, J. N., Mailloux, B. J., Stute, M., and Waldholz, R., 2008. Arsenic Cycling in Union Lake, NJ. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 6, p. 459.

Keimowitz, A. R., Mailloux, B. J., Chillrud, S. N., Ross, J. M., Wovkulich, K., McNamara, P., Alexandrova, E., and Thompson, L., 2008. Arsenic Movement From Sediment to Water: Microbes and Mobilization in a Contaminated Lake. Eos Trans. AGU, 89, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41E-0916.

Kenna, T. C., Pfirman, S., Mailloux, B. J., Stute, M., Kelsey, R., and Bower, P., 2008. Adapting a successful inquiry-based immersion program to create an Authentic, Hands- on, Field based Curriculum in Environmental Science at Barnard College. Eos Trans. AGU 89, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED13A-0601.

Knappett, P. S. K., McKay, L. D., Layton, A., Hasan, M. M., Williams, D., Serre, M. L., Ahmed, K. M., Culligan, P. J., Band, L. E., and Mailloux, B. J., 2008. Investigating Fecal Contamination Pathways to An Unconfined Sandy Aquifer in Bangladesh. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 6, p. 458.

Mailloux, B., Alexandrova, E., Keimowitz, A. R., Freyer, G., Herron, M., Stolz, J. F., Kenna, T., Pichler, T., Polizzotto, M., Dong, H., Radloff, K. A., van Geen, A., and Wovkulich, K., 2008. Microbial mineral weathering for nutrient acquisition releases arsenic. ACS, Philadelphia, PA.

Mailloux, B. J., Alexandrova, E., Keimowitz, A., Wovkulich, K., Stolz, J. F., Kenna, T., Pichler, T., Polizzotto, M., Dong, H., Radloff, K. A., and van Geen, A., 2008. Microbial Mineral Weathering for Nutrient Acquisition Releases Arsenic. Eos Trans. AGU 89, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41E-0914.

Mailloux, B. J. and Kenna, T. C., 2008. Gaining a Better Understanding of Estuarine Circulation and Improving Data Visualization Skills Through a Hands-on Contouring Exercise. Eos Trans. AGU 89, Abstract ED13A-0599.

Mihajlov, I., Radloff, K. A., Stute, M., Zheng, Y., Mailloux, B., Bounds, M., Rezaul, H. M., Ahmed, K. M., and van Geen, A., 2008. Arsenic in Shallow Groundwater Adsorbed by Deeper Aquifer Sediments of Araihazar, Bangladesh. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 6, p. 459.

Trembath-Reichert, E., Mailloux, B. J., Stute, M., van Geen, A., Freyer, G., Zheng, Y., O'Mullan, G., Foster, R., Thomas, J., and Buccholz, B., 2008. 14C Analysis of Microbial DNA from Bangladesh Groundwater: Implications for Deep Aquifer Sustainability. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 6, p. 524.

van Geen, A., Zheng, Y., Goodbred, S., Horneman, A., Aziz, Z., Cheng, Z., Stute, M., Mailloux, B., Weinman, B., Hoque, M. A., Seddique, A. A., Hossain, M. S., Chowdhury, S. H., and Ahmed, K. M., 2008. Flushing History as a Hydrogeological Control on the Regional Distribution of Arsenic in Shallow Groundwater of the Bengal Basin. 42, 2283-2288.

Wagner, P. J., Mailloux, B. J., Foster, R., Stolz, J. F., Scholz, M., Wovkulich, K., Keimowitz, A. R., Lanoil, B., van Geen, A., and Freyer, G., 2008. Worldwide Diversity and Occurrence of Arsenite Transporter acr3(2) Suggests An Important and Overlooked Pathway. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 6, p. 523.

Wovkulich, K., Mailloux, B., Stute, M., Simpson, H. J., Keimowitz, A., Powell, A., Lacko, A., and Chillrud, S. N., 2008. Chemical Additions for Enhancement of Pump and Treat Remediation of Arsenic American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

Wovkulich, K., Mailloux, B. J., Stute, M., Simpson, H. J., Keimowitz, A. R., Powell, A., Lacko, A., and Chillrud, S. N., 2008. Arsenic Remediation Enhancement Through Chemical Additions to Pump and Treat Operations. Eos Trans. AGU 89, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H52B-01.

Rook, A., Faehndrich, D., O'Mullan, G. D., Mailloux, B., Matter, J. M., Stute, M., and Goldberg, D., 2007. Microbial Response to Carbon Dioxide Injection in a Shallow Aquifer. Eos Trans. AGU 88, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U43C-1396.

Dhar, R. K., Zheng, Y., Saltikov, C. W., Radloff, K. A., Mailloux, B., and van Geen, A., 2006. A Limited Role of Arsenic Reduction for its Mobilization in Deep Bangladesh Aquifers. GSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.

Mailloux, B. J., van Geen, A., Zheng, Y., Stute, M., Datta, S., Horneman, A., Mislowack, B. J., Dong, H., Freyer, G., and Assaf-Anid, N., 2006. Linking Bacterial Activity and Diversity in the Shallow Auifers of BangladeshGSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.

Manning, A. R., Radloff, K. A., Mailloux, B., and van Geen, A., 2006. Effective Sterilization Techniques for Long Term Incubations of Bangladesh Aquifer SandsGSA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.

Radloff, K. A., Cheng, Z., Rahman, M. W., Ahmed, K. M., Mailloux, B., Juhl, A., Schlosser, P., and van Geen, A., 2006. Mobilization of Arsenic During One-Year Incubations of Grey Aquifer Sands from Araihazar, BangladeshGSA Annual meeting, Philadelphia.

Mailloux, B., Onstott, T. C., Devlin, S., Fuller, M. E., DeFlaun, M. F., Choi, K. H., Green-Blum, M., Williams, K. H., McCarthy, J., and Griffin, T., 2005. The Role of Aquifer Heterogeneity on Metal Reduction in an Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifer as Determined Using Push-Pull Tests. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 37, No. 7, p. 473.

Mailloux, B. J., Devlin, S., Fuller, M. E., Onstott, T. C., DeFlaun, M. F., Choi, K., Green-Blum, M., Swift, D. J. P., McCarthy, J. F., and Dong, H., 2005. The role of aquifer heterogeneity on metal reduction in an Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer determined by Push-Pull Tests. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 37, 473.

Keimowitz, A. R., Mailloux, B. J., Cole, P., Simpson, H. J., Stute, M., Chillrud, S. N., Kujawinski, E. B., and Zheng, Y., 2004. Arsenic Mobility Under Sulfate Reducing Conditions. Eos Trans. AGU, 85, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H33H-08.

Kujawinski, E. B., Mailloux, B. J., and Morrison, L., 2004. Identification of Biologically-Produced Organic Matter in an Aquifer System using Stable Isotope Labeling. Eos Trans. AGU 85, Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract B21D-0914.

Morrison, L., Mailloux, B. J., and Kujawinski, E. B., 2004. Microbial Community Evolution as Evidenced by Isotopic Incorporation into Phospholipid Fatty Acids in a Model Aquifer System. Eos Trans. AGU 85, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B21D-0915.

Mailloux B. J., Devlin S., Fuller M. E., Onstott T. C., DeFlaun M. F., Choi K., Sigman D. M., Green-Blum M., Swift D. J. P., Williams K. H., Hubbard S. S., and McCarthy J. F. 2005. The role of aquifer heterogeneity on metal reduction in an Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer with elevated levels of nitrate. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 37(7), 473.

Nguyen K., Kujawinski E. B., and Mailloux B. J. (2004) Simulation of a Hyporheic Environment to Determine the Microbial Effects in Estuarine Groundwater Systems. Eos Trans. AGU 85(47), ED51D-0043.

Mailloux B. J., Devlin S., Fuller M. E., Onstott T. C., DeFlaun M. F., Choi K., Green-Blum M., Swift D. J. P., and McCarthy J. F. 2003 The role of aquifer heterogeneity on metal reduction in an atlantic coastal plain aquifer as determined by push-pull tests. Eos. Trans. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract 84(16), B42E-08.

Kujawinski E. B., Mailloux B. J., and Morrison L. 2003 The link between microbial community compositions and organic matter transformations in a laboratory system. Eos. Trans. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract 84(46), B12D-01.

Mailloux B. J., van Geen A., Cheng Z., and Datta S. 2003 Microcosm studies examining the release of arsenic from Bangladesh aquifer sediments. 226th ACS National Meeting, Paper 102.

van Geen A., Horneman A., Aziz Z., Hoque M. A., Shamsudduha M., Cheng Z., Dhar R., Versteeg R., Steckler M., Mailloux B., Zheng Y., Stute M., Goodbred S., and Ahmed K. M., 2003, Spatial variability of arsenic concentrations and sediment properties in Bangladesh aquifers. 226th ACS National Meeting, 1A25 Paper 15.

Hubbard, S., K.H. Williams, B. Mailloux, and E. Majer, Monitoring Microbially-Induced Physical Property Changes using High-Resolution Geophysical Methods, Eos. Trans. AGU Spring Meet. Suppl. Abstract83(19), H21A-02, 2002.

Mailloux, B.J., S. Devlin, T.C. Onstott, D.M. Sigman, J. Hall, M.E. Fuller, M.F. DeFlaun, S.H. Streger, K.H. Williams, S.S. Hubbard, and J.F. McCarthy, The Fate of Nitrate During an In-Situ Biostimulation Experiment in a Coastal Plain Aquifer, in Fall Meeting, pp. Abstract H12C-0938, 2002.

Person, M.A., and B. Mailloux, 2002. Using mathematical modeling and heat flow data to assess the hydrogeologic framework of the La Jencia and Socorro sub0basins of the Rio-Grande Rift, New Mexico, GSA Abstracts with Programs34 (6).

Mailloux, B. J., T. C. Onstott, and K. H. Choi. 2001. The effect of protozoa on the reduction of solid phase Fe(III). in Geological Society of America, Boston, MA.

Mailloux, B., J. Hall, M. Fuller, T. Scheibe, M. DeFlaun, and T. Onstott. 2001. Microbial Transport Mechanisms in Silty, Sandy Media as Inferred From Short Core Experiments Performed in the Field. inAmerican Geophysical Union Fall Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Hall, J. A., B. J. Mailloux, T. C. Onstott, M. E. Fuller, S. Streger, R. Rothmel, and M. DeFlaun. 2000. The effect of physical and chemical sediment heterogeneity on aerobic and anaerobic bacterial transport. inGoldschmidt, Oxford, U. K.

Hubbard, S. S., J. Chen, B. Mailloux, E. Majer, and Y. Rubin. 2000. Heterogeneity and bacterial transport at the Oyster, VA Site. in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Mailloux, B. J., T. C. Onstott, J. Hall, M. E. Fuller, M. F. DeFlaun, and H. Dong. 2000. A methodology for scaling bacterial transport from the laboratory to the field. in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Scheibe, T. D., and B. J. Mailloux. 2000. Field-scale bacterial transport in a heterogeneous aquifer. inSEPM conference on Hydrogeology of Sedimentary Aquifers, Santa Fe, NM.

Dong, H., T. C. Onstott, M. DeFlaun, M. Fuller, K. Gillespie, S. Streger, and B. Mailloux. 1999. Mechanisms of bacterial retention in subsurface porous media revealed by phosphor and electron imaging. in 4th International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Vail, CO.

Fuller, M. E., S. H. Streger, M. F. DeFlaun, B. J. Mailloux, J. A. Hall, T. C. Onstott, P. Zhang, and W. P. Johnson. 1999. New vital fluorescent stain-based methods for in situ tracking of bacteria. in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Mailloux, B. J., T. C. Onstott, G. Moline, H. Dong, M. DeFlaun, M. Fuller, K. Gillespie, and S. Streger. 1999. The deterimination of aqueous concentration profiles within intact sediment cores during transport experiments. in 4th International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Vail, CO.

Person, M., B. Mailloux, N. Dunbar, L. Strayer, S. Cather, and S. Kelly. 1998. Tectonic controls on the hydrothermal evolution of the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico. in American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Meeting.

Person, M., B. Mailloux, L. Strayer, P. Hudleston, N. Dunbar, S. Kelly, and S. Cather. 1997. Tectonic controls on the hydrothermal evolution of the La Jencia and Socorro Basins of the Rio Grane Rift, New Mexico. in Geofluids II, Belfast, Ireland.

Mailloux, B. J., M. Person, P. Hudleston, N. W. Dunbar, S. Kelly, and S. M. Cather. 1996. Tectonic controls on the hydrothermal evolution of the La Jencia and Socorro basins of the Rio Grande Rift. in American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Mailloux, B. J., M. Person, L. M. Strayer, P. Hudleston, N. W. Dunbar, S. Kelly, and S. M. Cather. 1996. Tectonic controls on the hydrothermal evolution of the La Jencia and Socorro basins of the Rio Grande Rift. in Geological Society of America, 28th annual meeting.

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