Events, News and Media
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2023 Spring Newsletter S23 Vol 14 Issue 2.pdf
2023 Spring Newsletter S23 Vol 14 Issue 2_0.pdf
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2022 Fall Events
Events from previous years:
In 2020 the Environmental Science department put together a Thursday Night Series for students to come together via zoom for topical presentations, discussions, informational meetings and fun!
Thursday Night Events and Seminar Series
**Attend five events and we’ll send you a T-shirt!**
All Events Thursday, 8pm, NYC Time
via Zoom for BC students only
Spring 2021 Events:
April 1 Program Planning
April 8 Senior Seminar Poster Session, 4:30pm EST
April 15 Last day of Thursday classes
2020 Events:
March 25 Beyond Barnard Resources Event
March 18 Katey Lesneski, Director of Restoration Science at Coral Vita
March 11 Science Communication - Brenda Ekwuzel, Senior Climate Scientist and Director of Climate & Energy Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists
March 4 Spring Break
February 25 Midterms
February 18 Environmental Policy and Politics - Jamie Consuegra ’06, Director, Congressional and External Affairs, Climate & Clean Energy Program, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
February 11 I’ve got a Masters: Jamie Yu ‘14 - Masters in Computer Science, Lindsay Garten ‘13 Masters in Environmental Science and Policy, Therese Chen ‘15 - Master of Public Health Sciences.
February 8 Summer Research Planning (Dallas Abbott and Mike Kaplan, LDEO joining us at 8:30pm)
February 4 Law Night - Daisy de Wolff ‘17 and Astrika W. Adams ‘12
January 28 Rachel Silvern ‘14, PhD, Atmospheric Chemistry and Public Policy
January 14 Welcome Back! A meet with Mentors.
Fall 2020 Events:
December 10 A Time for Reflection
What we learned this semester, planning for the spring. Forging a scientific identity.
December 3 Summer Research Programs Overview and Strategies
SRI, REU, Lamont, etc.
November 26 Thanksgiving Break
November 19 Tiffany Sanchez Assistant Professor, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia.
Public Health: Graduate School and Beyond Introduction
November 12 Program Planning for Spring 2021
Attend and participate in our Program Planning Meeting for Majors and Minors in Environmental Science, Majors in Environment and Sustainability and Environmental Biology as well as for those interested in one of the Majors/Minor.
November 5 Young Alumnae Panel with Beyond Barnard: Liora Hostyk '14, Valentina Strokopytova '16, Natalia Figueredo '14
October 29 Nina Yang ’12, 4th year Graduate Student at USC.
Warming oceans and the implications for marine biogeochemistry + taking a gap year before grad school and other career thoughts
October 15 Megan Maurer, Earth Institute Post Doc
A Cultural anthropologist's take on Cities and Sustainability: Trees in New York City
October 8 Kailani Acosta, Lamont Doherty Graduate Student, CU
Nutrient Cycling in the Gulf of Mexico/Creating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Geosciences
October 1 Nature Share!
Participants share the nature around them
September 24 Study Abroad Night
Barnard Seniors present their experiences studying abroad
September 17 Trivia Night!
Join for a night of fun facts
September 19 Opening Night
2020 Senior Seminar Poster Session: a great success!

This year, the annual Senior Seminar Poster Session, was held on April 23, via Zoom. Barnard and Columbia Environmental Seniors presented their thesis work in a virtual poster session where students described their projects in 30 seconds, and afterwards meeting. The result was a good deal of effective and personal sharing of thesis research--with restrictions, new innovation and successes to be proud of!
Poster authors and titles (in alphabetical order):
- Berlinger, Arden: Fitness Benefits of Helping Behavior in a Cooperatively Breeding Bird, the Superb Starling (Lamprotornis superbus)
- Billinge, Sophie: Environmental Tracers as Early Detectors of Groundwater Contamination due to Hydraulic Fracturing
- Calcio, Margaret: Coral δ18O-derived Record of Hydroclimate from the Gulf of Chiriquí, Panama
- Craig, Bridget: A Numerical Reef Growth Model for the Last Interglacial Double Coral Reef Terrace on Barbados
- Dalton, Bronte: Methane Emission Analysis in California fromAirborne Measurements and Back Trajectory Modeling
- Davis, Casey: Encapsulation of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Carbon Capture
- Dey, Christy: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Oil Production in Guyana: A Natural Capital Approach
- Fernandez Odell, Clara: Estimating Aboveground Biomass, Carbon Storage, and Forest Change in a Northeastern Deciduous Forest
- Fleming, Will: Testing Models of Andesite Genesis and Melt Differentiation at Volcanic Arcs Using Olivine Trace Elements in Sierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field, Mexico
- Franks, Nicki: Impact of the Kilauea Eruption in 2018 on Coffee Farms
- Gates, Rachel: Understanding the Role of Light and Nutrients for Phytoplankton Growth in the Mississippi and Amazon River Plumes
- Gill, Alison: The Effect of Sea Level Rise on the Erosion of Crane Beach Barrier Island
- Goodman, Maxwell: Estimating the Albedo-Sequestration Tradeoff Boundary for High-Latitude Afforestation
- Hadavi, Cyrus: How Social Networks Impact the Use of Preventive Practices Against Ticks and Lyme Disease on Staten Island
- Herrera, Alexandra: Using Citizen Science to Ground Truth Remote Sensing Models To Monitor Coral Bleaching and Analyzing the Components of Successful Citizen Science Programs
- Hockenberry, Zoë: Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Management: Tradeoffs for Flood Protection and Ecosystem Health
- Jackson, Gabriela: The Effects of Leaf Age on Day Respiration in Phaseolus vulgaris (French bean), Helianthus annuus (sunflower), and Xanthium strumarium (cocklebur) Plants
- Klotz, Vivian: Nutrient Addition Effects on Phytoplankton Communities in the Amazon and Mississippi River Plumes
- Kodama, Sam: Investigating the Erosional History of Wilkes Subglacial Basin with Thermochronology of Ice-Rafted Pebbles
- Komita Moussa, Ella: The Impact of the Urban Environment on NYC Street Trees
- Kwong, Charlotte: Extending the Tropospheric Ozone Flux Record in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Lautin, Sabrina: A Reconstruction of Cenozoic Seawater Ba Concentrations from Ba/Ca Ratios Recorded in Planktic Foraminifera Shells
- Levy, Marina: Making Change: Why Do New York City College Students Engage in Climate Activism?
- Lott, Annette: Hydrographic Changes and Heinrich Events in the Labrador Sea
- Masciana, Alana: Analyzing Transient SF6 and CFCs as Indicators of Changes to Atlantic Overturning Circulation 1980-Present
- Monnen, Christina: Effects of Long-Tailed Finch Cross-Tutoring on Juvenile Bengalese Finch Song Development
- Naimark, Jacob: Evaluating the Response of Surface Ozone Precursor Gases to Drought in the Eastern US Using Satellite Observations
- Nogueira, Isadora: Don't Bury our Park: Contested Resiliency on Manhattan's Lower East Side
- Nordin, Bailey: Using Low-Temperature Thermochronology to Date Glacial Erosion and Uplift in the Transantarctic Mountains
- Pace, Grant: Quantifying the Blue Carbon Reservoir in Long Island Sound, CT and Jamaica Bay, NY Salt Marshes
- Palmer, Emma: Assessing Coyote (Canis latrans) Boldness in Urban and Rural Environments of New York State
- Palmer, Grace: Soil Carbon Storage and Recovery From Acidification in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Powell, Kelly-Marie: Ice Sheet Instability in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean
- Richardson, John:Trends in Upper Ocean Nutrient Remineralizing Exoenzyme Activities
- Shamsie, Maneeha: Framing Climate Change: A Study of Competing Narratives
- Shapiro, Molly: Analysis of Noble Gases and Oxygen Dissolved in Atlantic Ocean Water as a Proxy Measurement for Biological Productivity
- Shi, Sarah: What Happened in the Years to Hours Prior to the Volcán de Fuego Eruption of 2018?
- Strickland, Emily: Spatial Distribution of Cape Buffalo and Plains Zebra at Lewa Wildlife Conservancy as Connected to Precipitation and Grass Species Diversity
- Zhang-Sun, Jeffrey: The Effects of Hosts on the Distribution of Three Tick Species on Staten Island, NY, USA
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